by Steve Moye | Apr 13, 2018 | Charity, Philanthropy, Steve Moye
When it comes to giving back to one’s community, charity and philanthropy often get confused as interchangeable terms. To some, the differences between the two realms often seem small and insignificant. However, upon digging deeper into the history of both of these...
by Steve Moye | Jul 19, 2016 | Steve Moye
They might not be new or even feel too exciting, but blogs can be a great way to help your charity organization. A blog can provide the space for sharing news, announcements, stories and other information which you can reshare and distribute all over the web. Blogs...
by Steve Moye | May 17, 2016 | Steve Moye
When it comes to raising money from your supporters, your charity should focus on engaging and inspiring your supporters. Yet when it comes to actually asking, are the odds in your favor? Here are three questions that will help you optimize the giving experience of...
by Steve Moye | May 17, 2016 | Steve Moye
It might seem like a big commitment, but you can always volunteer to serve on a nonprofit board. The world needs people who are committed to making their community a better place and then actually acting on it. While there is often an image of nonprofit boards being...
by Steve Moye | Apr 18, 2016 | Steve Moye
When going down the digital rabbit hole of the Internet, it can be easy to focus all of your attention in the wrong place when coming up with a digital fundraising strategy. Although that can be worrisome, there is a simple framework that can help you get some peace...
by Steve Moye | Apr 18, 2016 | Steve Moye
One great way to raise awareness to your charity or cause is to host an event. That will get people interested, maybe even involved, in your organization. But just hosting an event and hoping that people come isn’t the only step. You need to get these people into...